Cavalia's Odyseo
Fantasy becomes reality.
By Ivy Reiss
Equestrianism & acrobatics combine in Cavalia's Odysseo
How can I begin to praise a show that has consistently garnered 5 star ratings and consistently leaves audiences in awe? At the risk of sounding trite, sometimes, it would seem, popular opinion gets it right. Saturday night at Odysseo – still showing in Mississauga, ON, after numerous extended engagements – I witnessed fantasy thrillingly brought to life. It was tribal, wild and refined in one.
When I approach a show, I prefer to go with a clean slate. I don’t read reviews, nor do I do much research. I save that for after. I like to experience a show in the purest way possible. I’ll decide if I want to see it based mainly on two things: if it’s a piece I have previously studied and am familiar with; or based on the amount of buzz and word-of-mouth from people I talk to and meet.
In this case, I went in knowing only that I had wanted to see the show for the last five years, and that people who had seen Odysseo couldn’t stop talking about it. Then when I heard that, this Aug 13th, Odysseo will pack up forever and leave, I knew I had to go.
Unifying spirits
Odysseo’s breathtaking scenery
So, what’s all the fuss, you may ask? Well, Odysseo unifies the human spirit with the animal spirit through its superb choreography, staging and acrobatics. The natural world remains perfect without being flawless, without man-made ideals. Odysseo masterfully captures this and replicates the harmony and diversity encapsulated in the beauty of nature.
How can a show do this, you ask? In the same way that you can’t describe the beauty of a glacier to someone in the dessert, or the beauty of foliage to someone who dwells in the arctic, I cannot do justice with words to what this more than two hour show accomplishes.
But this much I can tell you: Odysseo accomplishes something incredible. Visually epic, the combination of human and animal acrobatics takes us into a realm we usually only ever see created on the silver screen – where CGI makes anything seem possible, Odysseo actually makes it possible.
Odysseo literally brings fantasy to life. The Montreal based multi-media company Geodzeik is responsible for the epic visual concept. Think The Princess Bride meets Cirque du Soleil meets Lord of the Rings meets Avatar.
Michel Cusson’s music composition – performed live – is an overture of progressive excellence, exciting and interactive, with South American and Arabian influences. The choreography is raw, the staging visually epic. Odysseo’s artistic design breaks cultural barriers and presents the unity of life – something that’s normally only found in the natural world – to the stage.
Odysseo’s special effects enthral
Now to get technical. The artistic direction by Wayne Fowkes is seriously good, right down to the smallest details. Set designer Guillaume Lord creates one of the most innovative stages, using special effects and techniques straight out of 1950s Hollywood. The effect is enthralling and absorbing. The modern lighting transforms the stage from dessert to open fields of grass to shady, mossy forests, to mountain tops and, ultimately, an actual moving river.
The bond between the horses and their riders is riveting and beautifully choreographed by Darren Charles and Alain Gauthier who so perfectly capture a freedom and a rhythm that is so unique, enabling the animal spirit of man and the human spirit in the animals shines. We are reminded that there is more to life than meets the eye, and that we must only look to see how connected we are with nature and with each other.
A special nod to hair designer Louis Bond (when you see the women’s hair, you will understand) and costume designers Georges Lévesque and Michèle Hamel, whose stamp on this epic production is indelible.
No wonder people have been raving, as I am now, about Odysseo for 15 years.
One final word: if you can swing it, go for Odysseo’s a Rendez-Vous VIP Package which offers an exclusive experience to get extra pampered with a full buffet, drinks at will, a behind the scenes stable visit, and more. Group packages are also available.
For remaining dates and details, visit